Executive Chef Tomonori Danzaki has been with Joël Robuchon so long, he's part of their DNA. From Tokyo in 1994 to Las Vegas in 2005, he has helped launch restaurants that won three-star Michelin rankings. Now he oversees Joël Robuchon Restaurant and Le Atelier de Joël Robuchon at Resorts World Singapore.
It was fitting that he was the one to top off the series of DBS Masterclasses last year.
So nice of him to have brought his kids too!
Dishes Featured:
La Tomate
en salade, huile d’olive au basilic, tomate et mozzarella en gelée
Salad of tomato, basil infused olive oil, tomato gelée topped with mozzarella
Of all the dishes, I remember this one best of all. You really didn't know what to expect but it surprised the palate with zing and zest.
Le Bar
poêlé à la citronnelle avec une étuvée de jeunes poireaux
Pan fried sea bass with lemongrass and stewed baby leeks
This was really good too, with delicate and harmonious flavours.
Le Foie Gras de Canard
rôti, fruits verjutés, zeste d’agrumes confits et poivre noir écrasé torréfié
Roasted duck foie gras, verjuice fruits, candied citrus peel and coarse black pepper
Foie gras expertly prepared is always a celebratory experience.
If you are interested in the recipes, you can download the handout here. Monsieur Danzaki waves these off as the "simpler" recipes they have. But simpler is relative. I'd probably need months of practice to get them right! Trust me, just go to Robuchon's to try the real deal.
Well, the DBS Masterclasses are starting again in 2012 with Chef Gunther Hubrechsen of Gunther's Restaurant.
28 March 2012 (Wednesday)
7:30pm – 9:30pm
Venue: AFC Studio at Orchard Central
These masterclasses are a fabulous way to get insight into how these top-name chefs work, and get firsthand tutoring on their recipes. Plus there's the food sampling (and often wines plus dessert) after the cooking demo!
Check out the DBS Indulge page or Asian Food Channel website for more details on how to sign up.
Thanks to DBS and AFC for inviting me to the masterclasses in 2011.
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