Happy Mother's Day to all mums and mums-to-be! I never fully understood just HOW MUCH energy, patience and love is required for parenting until I had kids of my own. Sometimes I appreciate the children best when they are asleep! Thanks, to my own mother too, whom I dearly miss, for not giving up on us.
I have been blessed with Nadine (above) and Jolie (below). If anyone tells you kids with Down Syndrome are absolute angels, well, they are right. But they can be just as naughty and stubborn as regular children! Nadine's quite an energetic handful, and she is fearless when exploring new things (that means more chances to get into trouble). Sometimes she gives me this deliberate smile of mischief before she takes an item away to explore.
She's learning stuff fine too. It just takes a little longer, that's all. What I am touched by is the spontaneous caring and sharing she will do, out of the blue.
Her classmates at Rainbow Centre are also very sweet. Some have cerebral palsy, some have other developmental delays. But you can tell these kids will grow up to be nice people.
Every now and then we are put in touch with parents who have just gotten a baby with Down Syndrome and feel very lost. Those early days can be bewildering without support. Even though we already knew about Nadine's condition before she was born, we were lucky to have others who spoke to us. So if any one of you knows any parents who need to talk, please feel free to point them here (where they can see Nadine's progress) or give them my email.
Happy belated mother's day, my friend! :)