Friday, January 11, 2013

Camemberu in "On The Red Dot: What Makes Us Uniquely Singaporean?" on Ch5 and CNA

"Hey I saw Nadine and Jolie on TV!"

So my friends told me last week. It was a "On The Red Dot" segment on Singaporeans and their love for hawker food. They interviewed me, and the kids were the "ke le fe" or extras for the eating shots. I missed the first airing on Channel 5, but saw it on Channel News Asia (CNA) last Saturday. Our part is about a quarter into the show. This episode discusses what makes us uniquely Singaporean and they also featured Catherine Lim talking about Singlish!

Our love of food seems to be one defining characteristic of Singaporeans. It's not just food bloggers who take photos of food; almost every other person these days will whip out their phone to take and upload a shot of their meal before they tuck in. We take pride in knowing where to find good food, and we keep hunting for new gems.

Someone cynically said that our obsession with food is one reason why we don't do well in sports. I disagree. I mean, look at China. They love food too, but churn out so many athletes! Hahaha. But do you think the Singapore's obsession verges on the unhealthy? We didn't discuss this on the program but it would be interesting to see what people think.

On The Red Dot is a series on trends, issues and policies that matter to Singaporeans. It is telecast every Wednesday, at 9pm on Channel 5 and on Saturday, at 10.30pm on Channel NewsAsia.

Anyway, I should really do better at collecting my own press coverage and mentions. Usually someone else or a reader points out to me that they saw me in the papers or some magazine. And I still don't clip it. Ah well, all is transient in life.

There's another food documentary on CNA coming up though, also with "guest appearances" by Nadine and Jolie. Probably next month. I'll try and keep a lookout for it.


  1. Oh, funny. I caught a glimpse on my own blog when I saw your interview segment haha

    1. Yes, Daniel, they showed your blog, but didn't show mine! lol

  2. "I mean, look at China. They love food too, but churn out so many athletes!"

    That's because they subscribe to Soviet style/Communist sports training, where the best are identified young and early, and then shuttled off to training camps where their diet, sleep and training are closely monitored.

    1. OK, obviously I wasn't being flippant enough.


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