Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Guest Post at - 10 Best Eats in SG!

Yay, my "10 Best Eats in Singapore" post is live on!

This is the first time I've ever written a guest post, and I'm incredibly honoured to have it up on one of Malaysia's best travel and food blogs!

The ten eats are in fun categories, so it's a little different from your Top 10 lists. I know everyone has their own idea of what is best. So this is a casual and almost random selection of nice food in Singapore.

So, please do hop on over to check out Cumi and Ciki's blog - there's lots of delicious content there from all over the world. Follow Ciki (Mei) on Twitter - @agentcikay for more goodies too!

Looking forward to seeing you in Singapore next week, Mei!



  1. saw your post there.. great write up~

  2. Hi Catherine! Thanks so much for the lovely guest-post. So much feedback from our international readers. You are wrong on one count though.. the honour is all ours! LOL, Thanks darling!

    take care!

    cumi & ciki

  3. Nice blog! and enjoy going thru yr recipes, dun think its work in progress, as i believe everyone has their own individuality,

    am new to food bloggin myself! so have to learn from you pros :)


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