Friday, March 6, 2009

Fish Soup at Toa Payoh

Fish soup stall
I also heard that there's some good fish soup at the Block 127 Toa Payoh Lorong 1. But I wasn't sure which one it was. So I gambled on this stall, which looked impressively huge. And like Tian Tian Lai hokkien mee, it boasts a heritage from 1968.

Fried fish soup
Well, it wasn't quite the epiphany I was looking for. The pieces of fried fish were quite nicely seasoned, but the soup was not impressive. Maybe I should have gone for the small stall that sells porridge along with fish soup.

Over the weekend, I'll be posting on two carrot cakes (chye tow kuay)!


  1. it's the wrong stall, this is the centre stall right? the famous fish soup stall is just one stall, on the inner corner nearer the centre.

  2. it's white signboard btw, cos got 2 stalls (excluding the one u posted) selling fish soup, one white one red.

  3. I have been to both the stall and judging from the ingredients, the stall posted on top has fresher ingredient than other stall. I believe we should not point out which stall is better as it may affect consumer judgment

  4. Looks nice. Must try. Also like the one in Ah Moy, Maxwell road and seah im. Yishun got XO one.

  5. 127的不是这一间啊,是在他隔壁的那间啊,那间做了30多年了,一个阿姨做主厨的,每到下午就拍长龙,有是要等很久啊,她的鱼汤名字就是,127大巴窑鱼粥,很好找的啊!!就是这间的隔壁啊!那个说since1968,是骗人的啊,他们好像才做一年多啊!!

  6. 这间不好吃,鱼不新鲜,隔壁的才好吃!


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