Sunday, November 30, 2008

More Love!

I'm sorry, this must be the longest I've gone without putting up anything - eight days. What a week it has been! I've been back to Malaysia to see my parents who aren't in their best of health. In fact, Dad's had a few minor strokes that led to fainting spells and falls. And then we have the terrorists in Mumbai.

I was in a taxi yesterday and the driver told me his daughter happens to be a university classmate of the slain Singaporean lawyer Lo Hwei Yen. The latter was in Mumbai for just a freaking one-day seminar and lost her life, brutally. It's not just her. More than 150 people died. And this is only one episode out of many senseless acts of violence. Sometimes I wonder - what is the point of homo sapiens being on top of the food chain when you turn on your own species thus?

The cab driver also had a huge placard on his dashboard saying "God's love shines brightest when all else is dark." Hmmm. Cue Burt Bacharach's "What the world needs now..." - kitschy but true.

This week I am going to focus on stories about love in the news, and if there's a food angle, all the better - tall order, I might lead to another week without posts! But I did read something encouraging today.

More couples (in Britain) are keeping their babies with Down Syndrome, instead of aborting them. Here's the Times UK article. It's partly because parents feel such children have better life chances, and that society is now more open to embracing instead of excluding them! Children have been integrated widely into mainstream schools, and many adults are now in work.

As the song above goes, ", sweet love, no, not just for some, but for everyone."

Did you know that Nigella Lawson has a niece with Down Syndrome? Her name is Domenica and you can read her story and see her photo here! She is a sweetie. Imagine having Nigella as your auntie! I'm sure Nigella's made these "chocohotopots" (see video) for her too. And the late Princess Diana, a good friend of the family, offered to be Domenica's godmother! Domenica's father, high-flying journalist Dominic Lawson is Nigella's brother. He also cheered the increase in Down Syndrome births but lashed out at doctors for still being crudely prejudiced against Down Syndrome. Sharp read, this.

That medical attitude is prevalent in Singapore as well. Luckily, the doctors we had were at most just baffled at our decision to keep Nadine. But other couples have faced very strong pressure to abort - some even had paperwork for abortion procedures immediately and presumptuously shoved at them! I'm a pro-choice person, and believe you can and should be allowed to choose. We chose Nadine. And we would choose her over and over again.

I once read an interesting opinion piece on what it would be like if people with Down Syndrome ruled the world. I secretly think we would have more hugs, and less terrorists, no?



  1. Firstly, I'm very sorry to hear about your father and hope his health improves.

    Secondly, the Mumbai violence is just plain madness but I still believe in the goodness of mankind. Burt Bacharach's "What the world needs now..." is one of my fav songs, btw.

    Laslty, I think you and other parents of Down Syndrome children who continue care for and nurture them are heros, and the best examples that there is Love enough for all.

  2. First, wish your parents' health improve significantly and quickly.

    Secondly, Nadine's a really adorable child and she'll grow up well with you and hubby as loving parents.

    Thirdly, here's a short and sweet Swedish quote that I like:

    Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, love more, and all good things will be yours.

  3. Thanks for your sweet and thoughtful words, Kenny. May the goodness of mankind rise above the tyranny of the ruthless. We need to give more of what the world needs now! :)

    Blue Rabbit: I like that quote too! Thank you too, for your kind wishes.

    Southernoise: I'm glad to be back too!

  4. The world can be peaceful if everyone learns to give more and expect less.

    Camemberu, hopefully your parents will be in good health soon!

  5. I just read that article and yes I'm pro-choice as well but perhaps it is conceivable that those who didn't opt for the abortion were in denial that it could happen to them to begin with, to quote the article by Dominic,

    "One is, frankly, startling: about 40 per cent of those who refused to terminate the pregnancy – after amniocentisis had detected the extra chromosome – did so because they DIDN'T believe the diagnosis."

    Perhaps we need to have a pre and post survey with polygraph testing to ascertain the accuracy of changing attitudes.

    I don't deny that human attitudes towards this syndrome may have changed over the years, just that I'm skeptical that all of them are as gracious as you in embracing it.

  6. It's not the wrong choice to abort a fetus diagnosed with Trisomy 21

    It's not the right choice to abort a fetus diagnosed with Trisomy 21

    It's a personal choice, period.

  7. Take care and stay strong. It must have been a really tough week taking care of so many people.

  8. All my best wishes for your dad and I hope that he will have a speedy recovery... Do take care of yourself too as Nadine and your father need your support.

    The world is constantly suffering due to the selfish people in this world and I guessed this is never within our control. The only thing we can hope for is to make the best for our surrouding people.

    Singaporean lawyer Lo Hwei Yen was indeed a tragic case and will definitely be remembered with her goodness...

    Don't think too much, as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining...

  9. "...what it would be like if people with Down Syndrome ruled the world. I secretly think we would have more hugs, and less terrorists, no?"

    Hear! Hear!

  10. I hope your parents are feeling better now=)

    Personally I felt all these acts from Terrorist are very cowardly. I can't believe what is happening right now? Especially we are in the festive mood.

  11. yeah glad you are back! i thought something happened when you didn't post for so many days. everytime i open your site i see the roast pork. haha. looking forward to your posts then : )


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