Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New diet drinks in Cold Storage!

Woohoo! Slowly but surely, we are seeing more sugar-free drinks on the shelves of supermarkets in Singapore! The renovated and expanded Cold Storage at Parkway Parade now features Diet A&W Cream Soda, 7-Up Free and Diet Dr Pepper! Sure, some of you will still prefer the natural sweetness of sugar but for diabetics and the calorie-conscious, sugar-free varieties are heavensent! Now if they would only just bring back Coke Vanilla Light!



  1. Beware of 'sugar free' drinks. Such drinks may actually harm you.For me, I have stop drinking canned drinks. It is H2o for me.

  2. Smart - yeah, what with sodium benzoate and all. The cans are an occasional treat. Water is still the mainstay.

    Sad that so many processed foods these days are slowly killing us. Even fresh produce is pumped full of stuff that never was in them a century ago! Oh well, I guess this is an ironic way of population control.

  3. Hi Miss Catherine,

    May I know where can I get the "DrPepper" soda other than the ones at Marine Parade?

    I have been trying so hard to look around and there ain't any at the Cold Storage around my area.

    Thanks in advance. =)


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